lead scoring

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Category: lead scoring

List Building: The #1 Overlooked Strategy


We help qualify each lead so that the sales team can focus their efforts on the prospects most likely to convert, maximizing the use of resources. As brands then build relationships with these leads, we provide additional assistance through our lead nurturing programs.

List Building: The #1 Overlooked Strategy2019-07-21T22:40:55-04:00

Lead Scoring: 5 Ways to Determine Lead Readiness


An estimated 79 percent of marketing leads never actually become customers. A lack of an efficient lead nurturing process is [...]

Lead Scoring: 5 Ways to Determine Lead Readiness2019-07-16T16:14:39-04:00

5 Reasons Why Lead Scoring Is So Important


The art of cultivating a prospect from lead generation through a final sale can be a complicated process. A prospect [...]

5 Reasons Why Lead Scoring Is So Important2019-07-21T22:41:27-04:00