Open Data Architecture

With true data openness, Experiture will make you a better customer experience marketer by giving you a unified customer view.  With the ability to link any data source to Experiture, your organization can stop fighting with its data – and start using it to get results.

True data openness means you can link virtually any data source and create the ultimate marketing data warehouse

Available APIs and Web Services give you the total freedom to link Experiture with the systems and solutions of your choice

Tools, knowledge, and best practices to guide your data aggregation efforts

App Marketplace integrations ready for your organization with just a few clicks


Gain A Competitive
Advantage With

Experiture is powerful, secure, scalable, and easy to use. These are just a few reasons why marketers are using our award-winning platform to make their campaigns smarter and more effective from day 1 — and gaining a competitive advantage in the process. For more information,

Call +1 (888) 950-0700 or schedule a demo on the day and time of your choice.