
Email Marketing. Evolved.


The prospect of automation is enticing to marketers. Who wouldn’t want to engage with more people, more frequently, and without adding additional resources? However, when marketers try to automate using most email providers, they wake up some hard truths: Creating automated campaigns requires a significant up-front investment of time — and entails technical and/or IT resources.  And after an automated campaign is finally deployed, most organizations can’t afford the time and technical resources to adjust and re-adjust them.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be like that.

With Experiture, automated campaigns can be created in mere minutes — and require minimal ongoing involvement from IT.  Marketers can create marketing programs that deliver streams of appropriate messaging that start whenever a new email address is captured — and continue throughout the entire customer lifecycle.  With Experiture, marketers can create their own campaigns, measure what’s working and make adjustments — without any need for engineers, programmers, or other technical personnel.

Experiture puts email marketing automation in the hands of enterprise marketers.

  • The Customer Experience Engine manages multiple streams of multichannel content and messaging programatically, moves people between streams of messaging, and ensures your customers don’t receive the same marketing content twice
  • Our Interactive Program Manager enables marketers to create multi-step, multichannel campaigns with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface
  • Automated programs respond in real-time to individual behaviors and interactions — including opening or clicking on emails, visiting specific webpages, filling out forms, interacting with social media, and more

Experiture’s marketing automation is enabled by our platform’s warehouse database, which accumulates profile, behavioral and transactional information about your customers. As time passes, your marketing programs will get smarter as you leverage more relevant data for targeting and segmentation.

In short, the Experiture’s platform gives marketers the flexibility and power they need to create flexible, ongoing, automated marketing programs across the customer lifecycle.


These are some marketing programs that can be created easily in Experiture:

  • Customer onboarding – Schedule a series of “Welcome” emails that begin when you get a new email address. Take it a step further and create multiple series of onboarding emails that feature your various products and services — and move people between each series based on their behaviors.
  • Reach out to non-responders – Never send a manual “redrop” again. With Experiture, you can send emails to customers based on previous emails they’ve previously opened, links they’ve clicked, or web pages they’ve visited. Was your first email ignored? Never fear. Configure Experiture to automatically send it again.
  • Triggered Messaging – Triggering transactional emails is easy in Experiture. Send follow-ups immediately, or after a defined period of time has passed when customers purchase or subscribe to your product or service, attend an event, or abandon a shopping cart — and encourage desirable follow-up response.
  • Customer Retention – Want to turn your one-time buyers into repeat purchasers? With Experiture, it’s easy to create loyalty, referral, customer satisfaction, and other marketing programs to foster continued engagement.

With Experiture, your email marketing will evolve into ongoing, automated multichannel marketing programs.

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Want to see how Experiture can transform your Email Marketing initiatives?

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